
You Know These Things

You Know These Things

I’ve spent the better part of six decades trying to connect the dots. During that time, I’ve had some modest successes. The pictures that sometimes emerged were pretty good, and frequently entertaining. Creating them was a lot like indulging in a real life version of...

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Backcast—What The Critics Are Saying

Backcast—What The Critics Are Saying

What Happens When Women Attending a Writer’s Retreat Enter a Tournament Bass Fishing Competition? This unconventional novel of self-discovery and empowerment truly is Fried Green Tomatoes meets The Big Chill by way of A River Runs through It ALL WOMEN HAVE hidden...

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Descending Upon Asheville

Descending Upon Asheville

Looking for something to do on a Friday night? Join Ann’s wife and host, Salem West for a very special evening, as she sits down to talk with bestselling North Carolina authors, D. Jackson Leigh, VK Powell, Rebecca Swartz, and the inimitable Ann McMan. This lively...

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Sidecar to be Reissued in July 2016

Sidecar to be Reissued in July 2016

ANN McMAN’S award-winning short story collection, Sidecar, will be reissued by Bywater Books and available for sale in both ebook and trade paperback formats in July 2016. Sidecar, a fast and funny compilation of short stories that are full of the rich detail, witty...

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Jericho and Aftermath Available as Audiobooks

Jericho and Aftermath Available as Audiobooks

Ann McMan’s Jericho and Aftermath are now available as audiobooks. You find them through the ITunes Store and at Click here for Jericho. Click here for Aftermath. Let me know what you think. About the Author: Salem West Salem West is the Publisher of...

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Everything You Wanted To Know About Ann McMan, Famous Author

Appearances – Past & Present

June 13-17, 2012 – Ann appeared at the Golden Crown Literary Conference in Minneapolis, MN. She participated in a panel with authors Lori Lake, Ellen Hart, and Elizabeth Sims, and read the first chapter of her novella, “Bottle Rocket”,...

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Somebody has to do it.

Ann McMan and the team at TreeHouse Studio is ready to help!