
Lez Talk About Books, Baby! An Interview with Ann McMan
Ann McMan joins podcaster Anita Kelly for a sometimes witty, sometimes onery conversation.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Ann McMan, Famous Author
Two years ago, Ann McMan sat down to begin writing what would become her magnum opus, Backcast, the followup to her hit novella, Bottle Rocket. While two years might seem like forever in lesbian literature years, this story is epic in proportion, and involves thirteen primary characters on a writer’s retreat in Vermont.

Descending Upon Asheville
Looking for something to do on a Friday night? Join Ann’s wife and host, Salem West for a very special evening, as she sits down to talk with bestselling North Carolina authors, D. Jackson Leigh, VK Powell, Rebecca Swartz, and the inimitable Ann McMan. This lively...

Appearances – Past & Present
June 13-17, 2012 – Ann appeared at the Golden Crown Literary Conference in Minneapolis, MN. She participated in a panel with authors Lori Lake, Ellen Hart, and Elizabeth Sims, and read the first chapter of her novella, “Bottle Rocket”,...
Somebody has to do it.
Ann McMan_TreeHouseStudioAll this time, she continued to write. And when, at the ripe old age of thirty, she realized that she was not like other girls, the great world of lesbian literature opened its arms, and provided her with a safe haven in which to grow and learn about her new identity. She will forever be indebted to those literary pioneers who had the courage, the talent, and the temerity to gift us all with an art form of our own. Ann’s first and subsequent attempts at writing lesbian fiction have been heartfelt attempts to pay that great gift forward.
On Easter weekend of 2012, Ann married The Rainbow Reader, Reviewer and Publisher of Bywater Books, Salem West, in a private service on the shores of Vermont’s Lake Champlain. Although they were married on Noah’s Ark, no exotic animals took part in the ceremony. They live quite happily in central North Carolina with their two dogs, two cats, and an exhaustive supply of vacuum cleaner bags.
In 2011, Ann, along with her novels JERICHO and DUST and her short story “I Saw Xena Kissing Senticles” were elected to The Royal Academy of Bards Hall of Fame. In 2012, she was awarded the Alice B. Lavender Certificate, SIDECAR won a Rainbow Award for Best Contemporary Lesbian Fiction and a GCLS award for Best Short Story or Collection, and JERICHO was ranked by the eZine, Autostraddle, at #69 on the 100 Best Lesbian Fiction and Memoir Books of All Time.
Ann McMan is the author of six novels and two story collections. She is the recipient of both the Alice B. Lavender Certificate for Outstanding Debut Novel and the Alice B. Medal for her distinguished body of work. Ann is a four-time winner of the Golden Crown Literary Award, her novel, Backcast, was a 2016 IPPY medalist, and her novel, Hoosier Daddy, was a 2014 Lambda Literary Award finalist. An award-winning graphic designer, she resides in Winston-Salem, North Carolina with her wife, Salem West.